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Peanut Butter and Jelly Green Smoothie

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #StartWithJifPowder #CollectiveBias

Ever since day one of becoming a mom, it seems like everything else comes before you do. At meal time, you make sure your child is eating and that they have everything they need. Then if you are like me, you get your partners meal ready, and once everyone is taken care of, you can finally sit down and eat. It is hard to find a balance between, "okay, I need to get the whole house cleaned, give the kids a bath, walk the dog, etc" and somehow find time to make nutritious meals for yourself that you can scarf down quickly. One of my goals this year is to take better care of myself and that includes eating better and as often as I should be. Enter smoothies. Smoothies are quick, easy, fun to make with the kids, and you can sneak in those nutritious ingredients that you and your family need. I am striving to drink at least one smoothie a day that is full of wholesome and fresh ingredients and to get my daughter to drink them with me as well. It has been fun to create new recipes and put a spin on our favorite foods; like this smoothie recipe of ours that tastes like peanut butter and jelly! 

To make smoothie making even easier, Jif has come out with a new Peanut Powder. Instead of having to make a mess scooping out sticky peanut butter, we can easily pour some Peanut Powder into the blender and have one less thing to clean up. Jif Peanut Powder has the same nourishing protein as traditional peanut butter and 85% less fat! Its only ingredient is roasted peanuts. Seriously. No added ingredients, or sugar, or anything that your body doesn't need. This is great for anyone one who may be dieting, eating clean, or making delicious smoothies that their kids and themselves will love.

The best part is that the smoothie combinations are endless. I always add spinach since you can't taste it and my toddler doesn't even know its in there. Sometimes for dessert I make a smoothie with Jif Peanut Powder, Silk Almond Milk, dark chocolate cocoa powder, and a frozen banana. It is amazing. Go make it. You won't be sorry. And you won't have the guilt of eating something that is not good for you. My husband even uses it for his protein shakes so he doesn't get sick of the same protein powder over and over.

This year I want to better myself all around. Clean eating and working out is on the top of that list. I just feel that it so hard for me to find motivation to do either of those, on top of everything else. But this is a new year and I want a new me, a much better me. Do any of you feel this way too? How do you snap out of it? Once I get into the "zone" of eating clean and working out daily, I love it, but once I take a break I can never get back into it.

Do you any of you have issues finding time to eat better? What are your go to nutritious meals? Be sure to share your recipes in the comments section! You can find Jif Peanut Powder at your local Walmart store, down the peanut butter aisle, on the top shelf.

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