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HELLO FRESH Meal Delivery: More Than Food


When I first met my husband, I had never cooked anything before. He likes to joke that I couldn't even boil water. Which, I knew how to boil water, I just didn't care to wait that long and would throw the pasta in to the pot right away. I like to think I have come a long way since then, and I am really the only one who cooks in our house now.

The one thing I don't like about cooking, is having to come up with recipes and meal plans. I loathe it. No one ever wants to contribute ideas, so I have to try and figure out meals that everyone will want to eat. Then sit down and make a grocery list. Then run to the grocery store. And the worst part....put away the groceries. Thanks to Hello Fresh, a few days a week, they do all of that work for me.

As a mom, there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. With Hello Fresh, you can get a few of those hours back and have them cross some items off of your to-do-list. They create the recipes, they do the shopping for you, measure out all of the ingredients, and then ship it all to your front door. Their meals are nutritious, easy to make, with step-by-step directions, and most importantly, they are delicious.

I had the chance to make some Korean-style beef stir fry and a lightened up version of Chicken Parmesan this week. They were both so simple to make, and came out super tasty. My husband was amazed at how great the Chicken Parmesan was. Definitely a nice restaurant quality meal, and I didn't have to do anything but cook it. 

Want to try Hello Fresh for yourself? Just click here, pick out your meals, and enter code WTF35 at checkout, to get $35 off of your first order!   

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